Our Mission & Vision Statement
Our Mission Statement: Live by FAITH; Known by LOVE; Hope in CHRIST
Our Vision Statement: We live out our belief in Christ by growing together in faith, are known in our community as a relevant, loving church family; so that the canyon lives victoriously with hope in Christ.
Pastor Mike Stair
As the pastor, Pastor Mike has a passion for carefully unpacking the truths of Scripture. He has served at Gates Community Church of Christ for thirty years. He and his wife Sharon have three children. Mike graduated from Ozark Bible College in Joplin, Missouri, and after five years of serving in the Iowa area, he came to pastor the Gates Community Church of Christ thirty years and counting.
What We Believe:
We are dedicated to the Church founded by Christ in the first century as recorded in the book of Acts. We do not follow man-made creeds. We believe the Bible is enough. We are independent from the standpoint that we are not regulated by a national headquarters. We are an autonomous church governed only by the Bible. We have no affiliation with the National Council of Churches nor the World Council of Churches.
We regularly support overseas missionary endeavors. 100% of every dollar goes to the work of the Lord and is not filtered through an organization. We are not mandated by any institution as to the doctrine we embrace. We sincerely follow the Holy Spirit’s leading as we carry on Christ’s work in the Santiam Canyon and through the Missionaries we support. We are affiliated with other “Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ and Colleges” all over the world.
Following are some of our core beliefs that have been given to us by God through His Word.
* We believe in the Inspiration of God’s Word. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12)
* We believe that God created the world. (Genesis 1:1)
* We believe in the virgin birth. (Luke 1:26-37)
* We believe that Jesus Christ is our Messiah and God’s One and Only Son. (John 3:16, John 14:6)
* We believe that all men have sinned and that sin separates us from God. (Romans 3:23)
* We believe that we must turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and repent from a sinful lifestyle. (Acts 2:37-38)
* We believe that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and was raised on the third day. (Matthew 27:1-28:20)
* We believe that a person who puts faith in Jesus Christ is to be baptized into that living hope.
* We practice baptism by immersion for those old enough to believe. (Acts 2:37-38, Romans 6:3-7)
* We believe that a Christian is given the gift of the Holy Spirit who resides in the life of every believer. (John 14:16, 17)
* We believe in the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19, 1 John 5:7)
* We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ and is called to carry on the work which He has given us to do. (Acts 2:41-47,
Matthew 28:18-20)
* We believe that God created marriage to be between one woman and one man. (Genesis 2:18-24, Matthew 19:4-6)
* We believe in the certainty of Jesus’ return. (John 14:3)
God’s Word is what binds us together and opinion can tear that unity apart. We believe, “In essentials Unity, in opinions Liberty, and in all things Love.” We come from many different Church traditions therefore, we agree to disagree on opinions, to love each other, and to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ.
“We are Christians only but, not the only Christians.”
Our Service Hours:
We would love to have you join us for Sunday Services. Our Service times are:
Summer Hours: Beginning Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend:
Sunday School begins at 9:00am, and Worship Service is at 10:00am
Fall/Winter Hours: Beginning Labor Day Weekend through Memorial Day Weekend:
Sunday School begins at 9:45am, and Worship Service is at 11:00am
Who We Are:
Mike Stair
Administrative Assistant
Peggy Yee
Jenny Lou Polk
Diana Slye
Mike Bell
Brian Budlong
Randy Mickey
Lyle Cutsforth
Jerry Mumey
Scott Munger